Welcome to my blog, hope you enjoy reading :)


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Okay, I'm Back!

Hi Sparklers/Non-Sparklers/Random People Who I Don't Know! I'm back from my out of town trip to Ohio (I went to visit family). Since it was my birthday weekend I got gifts!

1. A decorated rock that has my middle name on it.
Um, okay then...not sure how I'll use it, but its the thought that counts!

2. A shirt thats too big for me and not my color.

3. A sewing machine.
SCORE!!!! I know I sound like--whatever I sound like--but I actually know how to sew, so i was pretty happy about getting this gift.

4. A bag full of bath stuff.
YES!!! And it's handmade and all natural!

5. $20
YAY!! Starbucks fund!

P.S. My b-day's today--I demand a lifetime supply of Starbucks, and (since he's awesome, but probably doesn't read this blog) a flash-fiction story from Scott-Free/That Guy From Ergo.

Double P.S: OMG my friend just gave me a mega itunes gift card!!!! ME HAPPY!!!! Thank you! (you know who you are)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Just letting Yall Know...

I'll be out of town until Monday, so don't worry when I don't show up on Open Threads or there no new posts on either of the blogs. I'M NOT DEAD, k? Peace out yall!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I Feel Powerful...

This past Monday, I started archery classes. IT WAS AWESOME!! I had this awesome bow, and the arrows were lime green. And guess what? I (almost) HIT THE BULLSEYE!! On my first try! Sorry for all the !'s, but I'm really happy. Holding a bow and drawing it back gives you this feeling of all-powerfulness; I imagine that's what Legolas feels like, or Queen Susan from Narnia.

I have noticed in myself a strange gravitation to the ancient arts, like archery, chess, knitting, and (gasp) breadbaking. Does this mean I'm an old soul? Or that I'm too mature? Or that I'm just wierd? I personally vote for that last...anyway, I'm giving a Sparkler Shout-Out to Alygirlrockz16 because she knits!

And a non-Sparkler Shout-Out to my friend Sandy, who also knits, and plays crochet (I probably didn't spell that right).

Another NSO to my friend Gabby, who is simply awesome (if a little psycotic)

And another NSO to my friend R (I don't have permission to use her name), who is usually in cahoots with me and Gabby in our crazy capers (that is so much fun to say).

A Sparkler Shout-Out to Skyskwirl417 at BLOG because he's getting be-meaned-to by certain Sparklers (girls, we can't be mean to the dudeklers--they might leave! They should feel welcome. And we all know the Sparknotes dude/dudet ratio...happy Skwirl?)

Sparkler Shout-Out to Gummybeararmygeneral at GBBAAAR for having a totally awesome name! And for making a blog that promises gummybears!

Sparkler Shout-Out to Coffinmaker, aka Scott-Free or Scotty, at Ergo, for just being awesome, and because his blog is "gettin' busy".

Sparkler Shout-Out to zach nelson, because he has an awesomely cute baby sister!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Blog!

Don't worry, I'll still be posting on this one, but I've started a new blog for book blogs/reviews. Here's the link:


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

For My Friends...

Hello Sparklers! You asked for a new post, so here it is. I didn't really have anything to write about though, :(. I'd like to give a shout-out to famous Sparklers, MarauderPrincess, Hanini_Panini, Princeskandar, Rebel_of_Nowhere, and anyone else that I missed. Sorry I haven't posted in a while--I remember how that made me upset when I was younger and I knew this girl who had a blog. She was so funny, but then she stopped posting for a while. I kept nagging her, so she finally wrote a post--about ME! I thought you guys might enjoy it:

I have a little friend named Jasmine
who is always bothering me
about writing things on my blog
when a new post she doesn't see.
I run away to my bedroom
and try my hand at some poetry
in hope that maybe just once
temporarily satisfied she will be.

So there's your most-coveted post, Sparklers!

Friday, March 5, 2010

This one's for Alygirl:

A couple days ago, an e-friend of mine "Alygirlrockz" asked about sock-knitting. Here's a simple pattern for you, aly:


These socks are adorable! You don't have to do the toe part though. Just use the Kitchener Stitch to close up after you decrease at the end of the sock:


If you have any questions, I'll be happy to give you more resources! I'd post a pic of the ones I made, but they're in the washer right now :(

Peace, Love, and Non-Greasy Hairgrease!


My Post That Will Probably Never Make It to Sparknotes :(

Recently, Sparknotes (as most of yall know) has been posting a series called "A Day in the Life of a ______ Student. I was going to send my own post (obviously about being homeschooled), but they said NO MORE POSTS FOR THIS SERIES! So I'm posting it here. Cus I can do that. :P

A Day In the Life of...A Homeschooled Kid

8:45 Wake up, unsucessfully attempt to go back to sleep

8:46 Realize what time it is, jump out of bed. Make bed, vacuum floor, clean mirror, make sure all dresser draweres are pushed in all the way, and finally get dressed.

9:00 Remake bed and revaccum floor until mom is satisfied

9:25 Argue with little sis whose turn it is to use the computer first

9:30 Check email, read new Sparklife posts, whine that I wasn't first, and comment.

9:45 Get in trouble for not doing school, spend the next five minutes explaining that Sparknotes is educational

9:50 Pick up where I left off reading Hamlet, and cry when Hamlet finally dies

10:00 Write an essay on the play

10:30 Begin memorizing Hamlet's monologue. "To be, or not to be..."

10:35 Wonder why Hamlet is saying all this out loud to himself

10:40 Begin math assignment with my online teacher

10:50 Start math worksheet. I start wondering whether its better to die or live through math class. Begin rearranging words in previously memorized monologue to fit my question

11:00 Science "class". Kind of hard to call it a class when I'm the only student

11:05 Wonder when/if I will ever use anything I am learning about the genetics of pea plants

11:30 Speed-read through history assignment so I can have lunch ready by 12:30. Henry VIII was pretty messed up.

12:00 Look at the month's meal menu, find out what's for today's lunch. Mmmm, Ruebens!

1:00 Finish eating, argue with sis about whose turn to clean up. I win.

1:05 Start making bread so it'll be finished rising in time to bake it for dinner.

1:30 Literature! Canturbury tales a la Sparknotes!

1:45 Browse through new Sparknotes articles 'cus school's out. I still have to go to extracurricluar classes though...

2:00 Art class. Suffer through routine questions about homeschooling. Answer robotically

3:30 Sewing class with homeschooled friends. Virtually no sewing gets done. Instead, we talk about "Pants on the Ground" and whine that we haven't seen Avatar yet. Laugh hysterically.

This is a very rough outline of my typical schedule. As you see, today I only had a few subjects. In a typical week, I have 15-17 subjects, and I have 4 classes with other homeschoolers, public schoolers, or both (latin, sewing, art, guitar)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Advice for the Week

Yesterday (or the day before that, I don't really remember), me and my mom went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond (henceforth reffered to as BBB). For some reason that I can't remember, she really wanted a Squeegee. Well, we went and looked at all the different kinds of Squeegees. Did you know that there are at least 7 different kinds of Squeegees? Why is that necessary? Anyway, there were quite a few to choose from. My mom wanted to get this plain, white, plastic one, but I wanted to get the brushed nickel one. She said "Why? It's just for cleaning glass." I said "But if you're going to clean glass, you may as well clean it with a pretty Squeegee." She was like "Well, no one's going to see it. It's going to be hanging on the back of the kitchen door." Then, a most profound thought came to me. I said "Never Squeegee with a Squeegee you wouldn't look at!" I really don't know why I thought that. It sounded so much more profound in my head. The guy who was helping us gave me that "O.o" look. Then he started laughing. And my mom started laughing. And I kept laughing (I had beat both of them to it). We couldn't stop. So, finallly, the manager came and was like "What's so funny?" as he glared at the store employee. We tried to explain, but he didn't get it. Oh well. Some people just aren't as...whatever I am.

So, when you're feeling down, or feel that life hates you, just remember: "Never Squeegee with a Squeegee you wouldn't look at!"

*recieves imaginary standing ovation*

Peace, Love, and Squeegees,


Monday, March 1, 2010


Hi people! I haven't posted in a while (I've mostly been on the most awesome site evar: www.sparknotes.com. You know you wanna click it...).

I was afraid that something bad would happen, like, someone hacking my blog. Youtube recently got hacked--a lot.

This past month has been very busy for me: I went to a women's conference at church, I dressed up for purim, I started reading the "Left Behind" series (depressing books, I might add), and I started knitting a sweater. I finished knitting my socks, and I'm thinking of starting another pair. I will probably order a "Team Dan" hoodie, and get his twilight blogs in a printed book. Also, I plan to write at least three Sparklife posts this month. If they don't get published there, I'll post 'em here (incidentally, the editors are posting another of my posts tonight!) Leave comments about what you people want me to talk about, or else I'll just have to do more posts with me rambling like this. Really, I'm only on here because I'm bored and my mom said no reading, knitting, or iPod until I take my science test, which she hasn't even given me (the life of a homeschooler, I tell ya).

Okay, before I leave, can anyone tell me why the heck everyone's obsessed with the Star Wars movies? I haven't seen all of them, and I admit they are good, but what's with the crazy fans? Like the guys at the top of the page ^

Okay, Love, Peace, and Hairgrease to you all! (and if you have oily hair already, then you get rainbow-chocolate shampoo)


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Okay, I'm Back!

Hi Sparklers/Non-Sparklers/Random People Who I Don't Know! I'm back from my out of town trip to Ohio (I went to visit family). Since it was my birthday weekend I got gifts!

1. A decorated rock that has my middle name on it.
Um, okay then...not sure how I'll use it, but its the thought that counts!

2. A shirt thats too big for me and not my color.

3. A sewing machine.
SCORE!!!! I know I sound like--whatever I sound like--but I actually know how to sew, so i was pretty happy about getting this gift.

4. A bag full of bath stuff.
YES!!! And it's handmade and all natural!

5. $20
YAY!! Starbucks fund!

P.S. My b-day's today--I demand a lifetime supply of Starbucks, and (since he's awesome, but probably doesn't read this blog) a flash-fiction story from Scott-Free/That Guy From Ergo.

Double P.S: OMG my friend just gave me a mega itunes gift card!!!! ME HAPPY!!!! Thank you! (you know who you are)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Just letting Yall Know...

I'll be out of town until Monday, so don't worry when I don't show up on Open Threads or there no new posts on either of the blogs. I'M NOT DEAD, k? Peace out yall!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I Feel Powerful...

This past Monday, I started archery classes. IT WAS AWESOME!! I had this awesome bow, and the arrows were lime green. And guess what? I (almost) HIT THE BULLSEYE!! On my first try! Sorry for all the !'s, but I'm really happy. Holding a bow and drawing it back gives you this feeling of all-powerfulness; I imagine that's what Legolas feels like, or Queen Susan from Narnia.

I have noticed in myself a strange gravitation to the ancient arts, like archery, chess, knitting, and (gasp) breadbaking. Does this mean I'm an old soul? Or that I'm too mature? Or that I'm just wierd? I personally vote for that last...anyway, I'm giving a Sparkler Shout-Out to Alygirlrockz16 because she knits!

And a non-Sparkler Shout-Out to my friend Sandy, who also knits, and plays crochet (I probably didn't spell that right).

Another NSO to my friend Gabby, who is simply awesome (if a little psycotic)

And another NSO to my friend R (I don't have permission to use her name), who is usually in cahoots with me and Gabby in our crazy capers (that is so much fun to say).

A Sparkler Shout-Out to Skyskwirl417 at BLOG because he's getting be-meaned-to by certain Sparklers (girls, we can't be mean to the dudeklers--they might leave! They should feel welcome. And we all know the Sparknotes dude/dudet ratio...happy Skwirl?)

Sparkler Shout-Out to Gummybeararmygeneral at GBBAAAR for having a totally awesome name! And for making a blog that promises gummybears!

Sparkler Shout-Out to Coffinmaker, aka Scott-Free or Scotty, at Ergo, for just being awesome, and because his blog is "gettin' busy".

Sparkler Shout-Out to zach nelson, because he has an awesomely cute baby sister!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Blog!

Don't worry, I'll still be posting on this one, but I've started a new blog for book blogs/reviews. Here's the link:


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

For My Friends...

Hello Sparklers! You asked for a new post, so here it is. I didn't really have anything to write about though, :(. I'd like to give a shout-out to famous Sparklers, MarauderPrincess, Hanini_Panini, Princeskandar, Rebel_of_Nowhere, and anyone else that I missed. Sorry I haven't posted in a while--I remember how that made me upset when I was younger and I knew this girl who had a blog. She was so funny, but then she stopped posting for a while. I kept nagging her, so she finally wrote a post--about ME! I thought you guys might enjoy it:

I have a little friend named Jasmine
who is always bothering me
about writing things on my blog
when a new post she doesn't see.
I run away to my bedroom
and try my hand at some poetry
in hope that maybe just once
temporarily satisfied she will be.

So there's your most-coveted post, Sparklers!

Friday, March 5, 2010

This one's for Alygirl:

A couple days ago, an e-friend of mine "Alygirlrockz" asked about sock-knitting. Here's a simple pattern for you, aly:


These socks are adorable! You don't have to do the toe part though. Just use the Kitchener Stitch to close up after you decrease at the end of the sock:


If you have any questions, I'll be happy to give you more resources! I'd post a pic of the ones I made, but they're in the washer right now :(

Peace, Love, and Non-Greasy Hairgrease!


My Post That Will Probably Never Make It to Sparknotes :(

Recently, Sparknotes (as most of yall know) has been posting a series called "A Day in the Life of a ______ Student. I was going to send my own post (obviously about being homeschooled), but they said NO MORE POSTS FOR THIS SERIES! So I'm posting it here. Cus I can do that. :P

A Day In the Life of...A Homeschooled Kid

8:45 Wake up, unsucessfully attempt to go back to sleep

8:46 Realize what time it is, jump out of bed. Make bed, vacuum floor, clean mirror, make sure all dresser draweres are pushed in all the way, and finally get dressed.

9:00 Remake bed and revaccum floor until mom is satisfied

9:25 Argue with little sis whose turn it is to use the computer first

9:30 Check email, read new Sparklife posts, whine that I wasn't first, and comment.

9:45 Get in trouble for not doing school, spend the next five minutes explaining that Sparknotes is educational

9:50 Pick up where I left off reading Hamlet, and cry when Hamlet finally dies

10:00 Write an essay on the play

10:30 Begin memorizing Hamlet's monologue. "To be, or not to be..."

10:35 Wonder why Hamlet is saying all this out loud to himself

10:40 Begin math assignment with my online teacher

10:50 Start math worksheet. I start wondering whether its better to die or live through math class. Begin rearranging words in previously memorized monologue to fit my question

11:00 Science "class". Kind of hard to call it a class when I'm the only student

11:05 Wonder when/if I will ever use anything I am learning about the genetics of pea plants

11:30 Speed-read through history assignment so I can have lunch ready by 12:30. Henry VIII was pretty messed up.

12:00 Look at the month's meal menu, find out what's for today's lunch. Mmmm, Ruebens!

1:00 Finish eating, argue with sis about whose turn to clean up. I win.

1:05 Start making bread so it'll be finished rising in time to bake it for dinner.

1:30 Literature! Canturbury tales a la Sparknotes!

1:45 Browse through new Sparknotes articles 'cus school's out. I still have to go to extracurricluar classes though...

2:00 Art class. Suffer through routine questions about homeschooling. Answer robotically

3:30 Sewing class with homeschooled friends. Virtually no sewing gets done. Instead, we talk about "Pants on the Ground" and whine that we haven't seen Avatar yet. Laugh hysterically.

This is a very rough outline of my typical schedule. As you see, today I only had a few subjects. In a typical week, I have 15-17 subjects, and I have 4 classes with other homeschoolers, public schoolers, or both (latin, sewing, art, guitar)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Advice for the Week

Yesterday (or the day before that, I don't really remember), me and my mom went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond (henceforth reffered to as BBB). For some reason that I can't remember, she really wanted a Squeegee. Well, we went and looked at all the different kinds of Squeegees. Did you know that there are at least 7 different kinds of Squeegees? Why is that necessary? Anyway, there were quite a few to choose from. My mom wanted to get this plain, white, plastic one, but I wanted to get the brushed nickel one. She said "Why? It's just for cleaning glass." I said "But if you're going to clean glass, you may as well clean it with a pretty Squeegee." She was like "Well, no one's going to see it. It's going to be hanging on the back of the kitchen door." Then, a most profound thought came to me. I said "Never Squeegee with a Squeegee you wouldn't look at!" I really don't know why I thought that. It sounded so much more profound in my head. The guy who was helping us gave me that "O.o" look. Then he started laughing. And my mom started laughing. And I kept laughing (I had beat both of them to it). We couldn't stop. So, finallly, the manager came and was like "What's so funny?" as he glared at the store employee. We tried to explain, but he didn't get it. Oh well. Some people just aren't as...whatever I am.

So, when you're feeling down, or feel that life hates you, just remember: "Never Squeegee with a Squeegee you wouldn't look at!"

*recieves imaginary standing ovation*

Peace, Love, and Squeegees,


Monday, March 1, 2010


Hi people! I haven't posted in a while (I've mostly been on the most awesome site evar: www.sparknotes.com. You know you wanna click it...).

I was afraid that something bad would happen, like, someone hacking my blog. Youtube recently got hacked--a lot.

This past month has been very busy for me: I went to a women's conference at church, I dressed up for purim, I started reading the "Left Behind" series (depressing books, I might add), and I started knitting a sweater. I finished knitting my socks, and I'm thinking of starting another pair. I will probably order a "Team Dan" hoodie, and get his twilight blogs in a printed book. Also, I plan to write at least three Sparklife posts this month. If they don't get published there, I'll post 'em here (incidentally, the editors are posting another of my posts tonight!) Leave comments about what you people want me to talk about, or else I'll just have to do more posts with me rambling like this. Really, I'm only on here because I'm bored and my mom said no reading, knitting, or iPod until I take my science test, which she hasn't even given me (the life of a homeschooler, I tell ya).

Okay, before I leave, can anyone tell me why the heck everyone's obsessed with the Star Wars movies? I haven't seen all of them, and I admit they are good, but what's with the crazy fans? Like the guys at the top of the page ^

Okay, Love, Peace, and Hairgrease to you all! (and if you have oily hair already, then you get rainbow-chocolate shampoo)
